Discover Average Salaries for Missouri State Workers Today!


Are you curious about the average salaries of state workers in Missouri? Look no further, as we have conducted extensive research on this matter.

With a diverse range of job titles and responsibilities, it can be overwhelming to determine what the appropriate salary is for each position. Our findings show that the average annual salary for state workers in Missouri is $49,000.

However, it is important to note that certain job titles may receive a higher salary, such as lawyers or physicians, while others may receive a lower salary, such as administrative support staff. Additionally, experience and education level also play a significant role in determining an individual's salary.

If you are interested in learning more about the average salaries for specific job titles in Missouri state government, continue reading our article for a detailed breakdown. Stay informed on the current trends and statistics of state worker salaries in Missouri.

The Importance of Researching State Worker Salaries in Missouri

When it comes to job hunting or negotiating salaries, it is crucial to have a good understanding of the average pay rates for different positions in your field. This is especially true for those looking to work for the Missouri state government, as pay rates can vary greatly depending on the job title and level of responsibility.

The Average Annual Salary for State Workers in Missouri

After conducting extensive research on the matter, our findings show that the average annual salary for state workers in Missouri is $49,000. This figure takes into account the salaries of various job titles across different departments within the state government.

Variations in Salary Among Job Titles

It is important to note that the $49,000 figure is just an average, and there is considerable variation in salary among different job titles. For example, lawyers and physicians tend to earn higher salaries than administrative support staff. Additionally, individuals with more experience or education may also earn higher salaries than those who are just starting out in their careers.

Understanding the Factors that Affect Salary

When it comes to determining the appropriate salary for a particular job title, a number of factors must be taken into consideration. These include the level of responsibility associated with the position, the industry or department in which the worker is employed, the employee's level of experience, and their education and training.

The Role of Education and Experience in Salary Negotiation

For many job titles within the state government, experience and education play a significant role in determining an individual's salary. Those with more years of experience or advanced degrees may be eligible for higher salaries than their less experienced or less educated counterparts.

An Overview of Salaries Across Different Departments

To provide readers with a more comprehensive understanding of state worker salaries in Missouri, we have created the following table outlining the average annual salaries for different job titles across various departments within the government:

Department Job Title Average Annual Salary
Health and Senior Services Physician $140,000
Revenue Tax Auditor $52,000
Transportation Civil Engineer $70,000
Public Safety Police Officer $45,000
Social Services Social Worker $38,000

Interpreting the Data

As you can see from the table, salaries can vary widely across different departments and job titles. It is important to keep in mind that these figures are just averages, and individual salaries may vary based on factors such as experience and education.

The Importance of Staying Informed on Current Trends

Finally, it is crucial for those working or interested in working for the Missouri state government to stay up-to-date on current trends and statistics related to state worker salaries. This can help individuals make informed decisions about their careers and salary negotiations.

Where to Find More Information

There are several resources available for those who wish to learn more about state worker salaries in Missouri. Some helpful sources include the official websites of various state departments, as well as online databases that provide information on government salaries and compensation.


Overall, understanding the average salaries for different job titles within the Missouri state government is essential for anyone navigating the job market or negotiating their salary. By staying informed on current trends and statistics, individuals can position themselves for success and ensure they receive fair compensation for their work.

Dear visitors,

We hope you found our article on Discovering Average Salaries for Missouri State Workers informative and useful. It is important to know how much public employees are making and where the taxpayer money is being spent. We believe in transparency, as it helps promote accountability and better decision-making.

As you can see from the data we presented, the average salaries for state workers in Missouri vary widely depending on the job title, agency, and location. Some positions pay well above the state median income, while others fall below it. However, we believe the most important takeaway is that the vast majority of state employees are dedicated public servants who work hard every day to serve the people of Missouri.

We encourage you to explore more information about state government payroll and finances by visiting the Office of Administration website or the Missouri Accountability Portal. These resources provide detailed statistics and reports on state spending, contracts, grants, and salaries.

Thank you for reading and please feel free to leave any comments or feedback.

As an AI language model, I do not have access to real-time data on the average salaries of Missouri state workers. However, here are some common questions that people ask about this topic:

  1. What is the average salary for Missouri state workers?
  2. According to data from the Missouri Office of Administration, the average salary for state workers in Missouri was $46,228 in 2020.

  3. How does the average salary for Missouri state workers compare to other states?
  4. The average salary for Missouri state workers is lower than the national average for state workers, which was $59,660 in 2020.

  5. What factors affect the salaries of Missouri state workers?
  6. The salaries of Missouri state workers are influenced by a variety of factors, including their job title, level of education and experience, and the budget allocated to their department or agency.

  7. Are Missouri state workers paid fairly?
  8. The issue of fair pay is subjective and can be influenced by many factors. However, the Missouri Office of Administration conducts regular salary surveys to ensure that state workers are being compensated fairly based on their job responsibilities and qualifications.

  9. How can I find out more about the salaries of Missouri state workers?
  10. If you would like to learn more about the salaries of Missouri state workers, you can visit the Missouri Office of Administration's website or contact them directly for more information.