Discover When Markiplier's Birthday Takes Place - Don't Miss It!


Are you a fan of Markiplier? Do you know when his birthday is? If not, then stick around because we have got some exciting news for you!

Mark Edward Fischbach, better known as Markiplier, is an American YouTuber, actor, comedian, and philanthropist. Known for his gaming videos, Markiplier has a massive following on social media. With over 20 million subscribers on YouTube, he is one of the biggest stars on the platform.

If you are a fan of Markiplier, then you cannot afford to miss his birthday. It's a day where his fans come together to show their love and appreciation for all that he does. So when does his birthday take place, you ask? Well, his birthday falls on June 28th. That's right! June 28th is the day you should mark on your calendar because it's going to be a celebration to remember.

So, are you ready to celebrate Markiplier's birthday in style? Make sure you follow him on his social media accounts to stay updated on all the festivities. From charity streams to special edition merchandise, there's a lot in store for Markiplier's fans. Don't miss out on this once-in-a-year opportunity to show your favorite YouTuber some love. Join in on the party and make this year's birthday one to remember!


In this article, we will be discussing the birthday of Markiplier - an American YouTuber, actor, comedian and philanthropist who has a massive following on social media. We will also be talking about the festivities that take place during his birthday and why it's essential for his fans to join in on the celebrations.

Who is Markiplier?

Mark Edward Fischbach, better known as Markiplier, is an American YouTuber who has gained popularity for his gaming videos. He has over 20 million subscribers on YouTube and is one of the biggest stars on the platform. Apart from being a YouTuber, he is also an actor, comedian and philanthropist.

Markiplier's Birthday

If you are a fan of Markiplier, then you cannot afford to miss his birthday. It's a day where his fans come together to show their love and appreciation for all that he does. His birthday falls on June 28th, which should be marked on your calendar because it's going to be a celebration to remember.

Celebrating in Style

To celebrate Markiplier's birthday in style, you need to follow him on his social media accounts to stay updated on all the festivities. From charity streams to special edition merchandise, there's a lot in store for Markiplier's fans. Don't miss out on this once-in-a-year opportunity to show your favorite YouTuber some love.

Charity Streams

One of the things that make Markiplier's birthday special is the charity streams that take place. During these streams, Markiplier raises money for various charities, and fans can donate to support the cause. It's a great way to show your support for Markiplier and contribute to a worthy cause.

Special Edition Merchandise

Markiplier's birthday is also a time when fans can get their hands on special edition merchandise. This merchandise is usually only available for a limited time and includes items such as t-shirts, hats and posters. It's a great way to commemorate the occasion and show your love for Markiplier.

Importance of Showing Appreciation

Markiplier has a massive following on social media, which shows how much people appreciate his work. His fans are his biggest supporters and have helped him reach new heights of success. By celebrating his birthday and joining in on the festivities, fans can show their appreciation for all that Markiplier does.

Table Comparison

Aspect Before Markiplier After Markiplier
Gaming videos Less popular Increased popularity
YouTube Subscribers Lower subscriber count Over 20 million subscribers
Social Media Presence Low social media presence Massive following on social media
Charity streams Not applicable Raises money for various charities


Markiplier's impact on the gaming community and YouTube cannot be understated. He has amassed a massive following on social media and has become one of the most recognizable names in the industry. His birthday is a time for fans to come together and show their appreciation for all that he does. By participating in the festivities, fans can contribute to a good cause and celebrate the success of their favorite YouTuber.

Thank you for taking the time to read through our article about Markiplier's birthday. We hope that we were able to provide you with some valuable insights into the life of one of the biggest names in online gaming and entertainment. As you may now know, Markiplier's birthday is coming up soon, and we don't want you to miss it!

Markiplier has been entertaining audiences for many years now, and his unique blend of humor, storytelling, and gaming skills have earned him a massive following online. Whether you are a long-time fan or someone who is just discovering his content for the first time, we encourage you to mark your calendars for his birthday and celebrate this incredible individual with us.

In closing, we would like to thank you again for visiting our blog and reading about Markiplier. We hope that you will continue to stay updated on all the latest news and trends in the world of online entertainment, and that you will join us in wishing Markiplier a very happy birthday when the time comes!

People also ask about Discover When Markiplier's Birthday Takes Place - Don't Miss It!

  • When is Markiplier's birthday?
  • How old is Markiplier?
  • What are some ways to celebrate Markiplier's birthday?
  • Does Markiplier have any special plans for his birthday?
  • Where can I find more information about Markiplier's birthday?
  1. Markiplier's birthday is on June 28th.
  2. As of 2021, Markiplier is 31 years old.
  3. Some ways to celebrate Markiplier's birthday include watching his videos, sharing your favorite moments on social media, and donating to a charity he supports.
  4. Markiplier has not announced any specific plans for his birthday as of yet.
  5. You can find more information about Markiplier's birthday on his social media accounts or by following the hashtag #MarkiplierBirthday on Twitter.